Weather Announcement

AWANA and Jr. High Youth Group will be cancelled due to the winter weather storm.


Theology Matters Leadership Training


The purpose of Theology Matters Leadership Training is to strengthen current leaders at Country Bible and train a new generation of ones. Training in leadership is absolutely necessary as the church is not designed like a business or corporation. Though some leadership skills from the business world may apply, many of the dynamics of the church are not natural and do not correlate with the world.

When the Apostle Paul planted churches in the first century, he trained leaders in establishing the church. The emphasis of his training as gleaned from the Epistles and Acts is where this training will occur. It will include teaching in sound theology and doctrine and applications of it to character and leadership skills.

We will begin the training learning five areas of doctrine then followed by a study in leadership character. We will then learn five more areas of doctrine and conclude the training with a study and practicum in leadership skills.

The resources we will start with are lectures by Dr. Bruce Ware of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (where both Dean and Brad graduated from). Each lecture is one hour in length. There is a workbook to fill out on each lesson and a reading assignment from Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrineby Wayne Grudem.

WHO CAN DO IT?   Men and women - Anyone. This is open to anyone who aspires to grow in this area.

HOW MUCH WORK IS INVOLVED?  For an average learner, the lecture length is one hour and filling out the workbook will take an additional hour. The reading is at times lengthy and should be broken up with another hour or two total.  Discussion meetings will be about 75 minutes once every two weeks.

WHEN DO WE MEET?  There will be two class times and you pick one of them for each lesson. One class will meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the evening at the church from 7-8:15 P.M.  The other class time will meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month in the morning at Scooters, 84thand Van Dorn 6:15-7:30 A.M.  Both classes will cover the same material so if you miss one, you could possibly make it up with the other.

WHERE DO I GET THE LECTURES, WORKBOOK AND TEXT?  Go online to (Biblical and set up an account – it is free. Then go to the “Academy” and find the course “Understanding Theology.” You can download the workbook for free or order the book for a small fee. There is also an app for your phone so you can listen on the way to work. If you do not have Wayne Grudem’s book, there are several sites you can order it from or download an audio copy of it.


November 5 and 12 will be the first classes. Nov 5 at the church in the evening and 12that Scooters; pick one.

If you are in, you can email George at or use this sign up link and you will be sent additional information.


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Worship with us this Sunday



9:00 & 10:30 AM