Weather Announcement

AWANA and Jr. High Youth Group will be cancelled due to the winter weather storm.



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Digging Deeper Podcast

A podcast that gives the CBC pastors the opportunity to dig deeper into the book of Mark. The sermon series that is being preached on Sunday mornings. ...

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2020 Children's Christmas Program

Merry Christmas! Hope You Enjoy ...

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Daily Nourishment for a Christ-Centered Christmas

"Advent is for adoring Jesus." Read with us these 25 brief devotional readings about the arrival and accomplishments of Christ Jesus....

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Don't Let 2020 Stop Your Thanksgiving

"Thankfulness may require special attention, resolve, and purpose in this season, but it is still possible. Even in all of this, I can choose to see what good things God has done."...

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Sunday Worship Service Resources and Info

Oct 18th, 2020 Links to the songs and other details ...

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What is God doing in COVID-19?

"It's not wise to put our hope in the oddsthe odds of age, isolation, or location. These are important. But our hope is in God." And what are we hoping for? Here is a free full audiobook. The free e-book is available as well. Let us listen, sift out and weigh the truths we discover, and discuss the implications for us. Full Audio Book:Coronavirus and Christ (John Pip...

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Thinking Of Heaven - Part 1

While it may be commonly thought that it is possible to be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good, the actual truth of the matter seems to be quite the opposite. Some of the greater Christian thinkers and doers in history have noted that those who have the clearest contemplation of the life to come and all that Jesus promises by way of reward and experience commit ...

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Pilgrim's Progress

Pilgrim's Progress recommendations with video links and study guides to enjoy with your family. ...

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Women's Retreat Recap

On October 19, 60 women filled a room at The Venue in Lincoln to be encouraged and challenged in finding ways to use their home and time for the gospel.As we planned this event, we knew that there were many misconceptions on what hospitality means. It's not just planned social events or hosting long-term house guests. It's a daily way of life, using our homes and resources...

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Walking with the Depressed

So oftenwe realize that we are professional counselors and wrongly assume we cannot be of any help to others. In this podcast, the professionals at CCEF help us realize that God wants to use us in "Walking with the Depressed." this is an easy resource to listen to and absorb on your way to work or to the store. Listen to it here....

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Worship with us this Sunday



9:00 & 10:30 AM